傲慢与偏见 评论书籍

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 01:32:30
国外对奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》一书的评论的书籍,要英文的,具体版本,出版社 作者

《傲慢与偏见》英文Pride and Prejudice评论,可以参考:)~

Miss Austen never attempts to describe a scene or a class of society with which she was not herself thoroughly acquainted. The conversations of ladies with ladies, or of ladies and gentlemen together, are given, but no instance occurs of a scene in which men only are present. The uniform quality of her work is one most remarkable point to be observed in it. Let a volume be opened at any place: there is the same good English, the same refined style, the same simplicity and truth. There is never any deviation into the unnatural or exaggerated; and how worthy of all love and respect is the finely disciplined genius which rejects the forcible but transient modes of stimulating interest which can so easily be employed when desired, and which knows how to trust to the never-failing principles of human nature!

This very trust has sometimes been made an objection to Miss Austen, and she has been accused of writing dull stories abo