a disscusion question?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 20:30:58
I have got a homework about below topic, can some English high level people help me give some advise:

A debate about:
1.An ideal family structure is for the man to be the sole bread-winner and the woman to take care of the children and the home.

2.An ideal family structure is for both the man and the woman to have their separate careers and hire help to take care of the children and the home.

Give some advice to support item 1 should be more helpful!


As we know,women are good at taking care of children.They may be stand for love.In the opposite,most of men are very careless about this.
they can not focus their brain paying enough attention at such things.But in my point view,they have much ability to get a wonderful career,and earn lots of money.so... An ideal family structure is for the man to be the sole bread-winner and the woman to take care of the children and the home