
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:21:41
现在许多旧的传统已经不存在了。(die out)
你必须注意你正在做的事(pay attention to)
你知道新中国是什么时候成立的吗?(come into being)
我听说杰克曾经差点丢失了工作(in danger of)
这位老人正在乡下安度晚年(in peach)
她的话对我有一种魔力般的作用(have a...magical effect on)


1.nowadays many traditions have died out
2.this cover can protect the machine from being dusted
3.you must pay attention to what you are doing now
4.do you know when did new china come into being founded?
5.i heard jack used to be in danger of losing his job
6.the oldman is spending the latter part of his life in peace
7.her words have a magic effect on me

you must pay attention to what you are doing now.
her words had a magical effect on me.