
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 14:34:17
The Big Corporation, registered in the rich powerful State of Uttar, has for 40 years run an opencast bauxite mine on Nurali, a small Island-state in the South Pacific. The mine has been very profitable but has devastated the landscape. In 1995 a revolutionary government takes power in Nurali. In 1996 revolutionary students seize the Big Corporation’s bauxite mine and hold 10 Big Corp. employees, nationals of another state, Bruno, prisoner for 5 months. They are eventually released after suffering some ill-treatment from the students. The Big Corp. protests to the new Nurali government who merely reply that the students have ended years of imperialist exploitation that the mine is now the property of the revolution, and that any complaint should be brought to the new revolutionary tribunals which have replaced the court system. The Big Corp. declines to do this and asks the governments of Uttar and Bruno to take action on its behalf.
Advise the governments of Uttar and Bruno

在 Uttar 的富有有力的状态中被登记的大公司,在 Nurali 上有 40 年跑一个露天挖掘的铁矾土我的,在太平洋南部的小岛- 州。 矿已经是非常有利润的但是已经毁坏风景。 在 1995个个革命的政府中在 Nurali 中取得政权。 在 1996位革命的学生中抓住大的公司铁矾土我的和达 5个月之久的把握 10 大的法人组织职员 , 另外的州,白鲁诺的国民 , 囚犯。 他们最后在蒙受来自学生的一些疾病- 治疗之后被释放。大的法人组织对只答复学生已经结束数年的矿现在是革命的财产帝国主义的开发新 Nurali 政府,而且哪一任何的诉苦应该被带来到代替法院系统的新革命的法官席。 大的法人组织拒绝做这而且要求 Uttar 和白鲁诺的政府代表它采取行动。
通知政府 Uttar 和白鲁诺

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楼上的金山快易 还真快