
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:48:08
1.把这手表拆开,看看你能否告诉我它有什么问题。(take apart)
2.那两国已长期处于交战状态。(be at war)
3.我给她一些珠宝以报答她的善良。(in return,kindness)

1.Please take apart the watch and see whether you can find what's wrong with it.
2.Those two countries has been at war for a long time.
3. I gave her some jewels in return for her kindness.

1.Take apart this watch and have a look on it maybe you can tell me what's wrong with it.
2.those 2 countries have been at war for a long time(同意楼上的)
3.i sent her some jewelleries in return for her kindness