我现在急需英文演讲稿,内容有关saving society and energy(节约型社会和能源)有人可以帮忙么

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 07:21:23


new key word: energy-saving society
via: shanghaiist, read the post: saving water-we will drink to that

the shanghai municipal government recently proposed on tv how to save energies - keep the aircon above 26 dc, take off ties and shirts, buy water-saving flush toilets, etc.

the coming energy crisis led to events from mine disasters killed hundreds of people to confrontations with american politicians over Unocal takeover. there is a higher awareness of the importance for saving energy, but the challenge is, how to pass this sense of crisis to individuals that could make the biggest contribution to building an "energy-saving society". last year, for the first time in china, i found hotels have different options to offer new bathroom articl