急需这样一段英文稿——有关one child policy 的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:58:07
独生子女的政策奖励 强制执行 超生罚款 减少人口 食物资源缺乏 有利于经济增长 溺爱孩子会导致孩子独立性差 人流为了不生二胎或者选择性别 人口老龄化导致人才奇缺
例如:about the population ......

独生子女的政策奖励reward of only child policy
强制执行 force implement
超生罚款impose a penalty on sth.
减少人口Reducing the population
食物资源缺乏 lack of food
有利于经济增长 favorable to economic growth
Spoil their child maybe lead to the poor independence.

China ’s One Child Policy

In my opinion, the China’s one child policy is a population control success.

Many people know that China is a overpopulation country and it is the most people country in the world. We have 1.25 billions people now. And it will be 1.5 billions people until 2033,is will be the summit population at that time.

In China, we have many problems relate to the overpopulation now. Such as many students graduated at the university and then they want to find a job. But it is very difficult for them. We have a joke about this situation, if you finish school in university, that means you will out of work (the pronounce of “finish school” and “out of w