
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 15:33:22

(a) Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd的两位管理者在公平激励理论方面做的截然不同。James还没有获得相应的从业资格证书,工作效率也没有Neil和他的团队高,却受到了David的特殊对待,这使得其他工程师主观上感到不满。David的这种做法会影响到员工的工作积极性。另外,david和neil不同的管理风格也使员工产生不公平的感觉,随着公司的发展员工都希望加入jack工作组就是这种不公平的表现。这种不公平使得两个项目组在工作绩效和奖金的获得上有所区别。
(b) 然而,Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd的两位管理者在目标激励理论上做的很好。David给公司的每一个员工规定具体的任务,这样使他能保持一个严谨的绩效考核制度,通过考核工作目标的完成情况对员工进行激励;并且每次的年终奖Neil都会根据项目的完成情况进行落实,这也是一种目标激励理论,可以有效的激励员工努力工作。

Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd, the two managers in a fair incentive to do different theories. James had not yet received the corresponding qualification certificates, and the working efficiency has not Neil and his team, David has been a special treat, which makes other engineers subjectively feel unhappy. This move will affect staff David's work. In addition, david and neil different style of management and staff also have a sense of injustice. With the company's development staff to join the working group is this unfair jack performance. This makes fair performance and bonuses in the two groups agreed on the distinction. David According to the staff to complete the work of the fair compensation reflects a certain feeling, but they did not take into account staff input is not considered in the course of their work into the actual physical, intellectual and innovations. This is also reflected in the application of the theory is a fair enough. No results over the course of th