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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 03:14:37
新加坡报纸说,中国是世界四大文明古国之一,地大物博,拥有茂密的森林,壮丽的河山,如利剑直插的高峰,雄伟壮丽的瀑布,秀丽的湖泊及富有中华文化光辉的名胜古迹,令世界各国人民神往。但是,更重要的是,中国具有五千年的历史,遗留下无数的 历史文物,珍贵宝藏,古迹,名胜,宫殿及数不尽的雄伟建筑,令人惊叹不已。这种种原因都促使中国成为许多人梦寐以求的旅游胜地。

The Singapore newspaper said that, China is world one of four bigancient nations, bounteous, has the cover the forest, grand landscape,if the sharp sword straight inserts the peak, the grand waterfall, thebeautiful lake and is rich in the Chinese culture glory the scenicspot historical site, is charmed the people of the other countries inthe world. But, more importantly, China has 5000 the history under,leaves behind the innumerable historical relics, the precious buriedtreasure, the historical site, the scenic spot, the palace and thenumber endless grand construction, makes one exclaim. This all sortsof reasons all urge China to become the tourist attraction which manypeople longs for even in dreams.


The newspaper of Singapore said that, China is one of four big ancient nations of the world, bounteous, covered by the forest, grand landscape, if the sharp sword straight inserts the peak, the grand waterfall, the beautiful lake and is rich in the Chinese cultu