大后天要英语演讲 有一段文字实在太难翻译 有谁能帮我翻一下吗

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 13:17:46
他的装束十分古怪:涂着深色的眼圈,朱红的嘴唇,爆炸式的头发!乐队自始至终由Robert Smith领导着,走过了艰难的朋克爆发的时代至今 而他自己的怪异的个性、矛盾的思想和独创的音乐风格及他独具魅力的声音则是他更让人吸引的地方!如今Robert Smith已经是40岁的中年人了,在创作了"Bloodflowers"专辑后,也打算收山归隐了。但"Bloodflowers"绝对是一个完美的收山之作,音乐体现了一种忧郁不安甚至有点急噪的心情,Robert Smith声音有些苍老,但韵味十足,歌曲传达了一点点的哀怨和忧伤、孤寂的感觉,传统的摇滚吉他和贝斯的完美结合运用证实了Robert Smith永不言败的实力和不可动摇的王尊地位!在20年里我行我素的坚持着自己的音乐信念更让人起敬!

He attire very peculiar:Wears the rim of eye of the deep color, scarlet lips, the hair of the explosion type!The music band is from beginning to end lead by the Robert Smith, the ages that walked through difficult punk explosion up to now but the thought of his own weird character,antinomy with unique of music style and he has the voice of the magic power only then he lets more a person the place of[with] attraction!The Robert Smith was already a 40-year-old middle age now, also planning to accept mountain to return 隐 after create"Bloodflowers" album.But"Bloodflowers" absolutely is a to accept mountain perfectly, it make, music body now a kind of melancholy discomfort even has a little the mood of the nasty 噪 , the Robert Smith the voice is some old, but the lingering charm is hundred percent, the song informed a little of sad with the sadness,lonely felling, traditional rock'n roll guitar and the shell 斯 of perfect combined an usage to confirm the Robert Smi