
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 03:38:48
今年的3月4 日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛在看望全国政协十届四次会议委员时,提了八荣八耻,胡锦涛同志以这“八荣八耻”为内容的社会主义荣辱观的重要论述概括精辟、言简意赅、高屋建瓴、立意深远,阐明了社会主义荣辱观的深刻内涵,囊括了爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,是社会主义世界观、人生观和价值观的生动体现。社会主义荣辱观的核心是爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义观念。作为当代的大学生要明辨是非,知美丑善恶,要知道应当坚持什么、反对什么,提倡什么、抵制什么,明确了当代中国最基本的价值取向,应知耻而后勇,做当荣之事、拒为辱之行。通过荣辱观教育,使大学生们形成积极向上的人生态度和务实进取的思想作风,在追求真知中提高素质,在提高素质中健康成长。

This year's March 4, the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, Chairman of the Central Military Commission Hu Jintao called on members of the Fourth Session of the 10th CPPCC National Committee, put forward the eight-eight-link Comrade Hu Jintao to the "eight-eight Shame" as well as a summary of the important exposition of the socialist concept of honor brilliantly concise and in strategic terms, shows a far-reaching, and explained the profound meaning of the socialist concept of honor, include patriotism, collectivism, socialist ideology is socialist world view, outlook on life and values vivid manifestation. Sharing is the core concept of socialist patriotism, collectivism and socialist ideas. As a contemporary college students to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil known beauty and ugliness, to be aware of what they object to, and what is advocated, what, resist what defined the contemporary China's basic values, should