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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 08:23:46
大家都知道英国是欧洲公认的"君子国",社会文明有序,井井有条。英国人不论男女老幼,都表现出温文尔雅的绅士风度。在英国,路上行人互相让路司空见惯,"Thank you"和"Sorry"更是挂在嘴边的用语.
美国人非常看重别人对自己的印象。他们一致推崇那种受大家喜欢、具有吸引力的人。因此他们总是希望能同别人无拘无束地接触,并结识更多的朋友。美国人互相交往时,不喜欢服从于别人,也不喜欢别人过分客气地恭维自己。美国人所担心的是被别人视为不易亲近的入而受到孤立. 英国人并不随随便便乱交朋友,但一旦和他们成为朋友,就会得到他们的真心相待和忠诚友谊。

We all know that Britain is in Europe recognized the "Gentleman", a civilized social order, tidiness. British men, women and children have shown the noble demeanor of a gentleman. In the United Kingdom, would yield mutual pedestrian commonplace. "Thank you" and "sorry" is attributed to the language. Americans are pragmatic. Unlike Britain stresses posture, we must face. They admired the strong to the kind of smart people. They like everything yourself, can solve problems large and small. Americans took their impression of others. They all kind of respected by everyone likes, attractive people. They always want unrestricted contact with others and get to know more friends. American contacts with each other, do not like to submit to others and do not like people too polite to compliment himself. Americans are worried about is not easy to get close to others as a means to be isolated. British chaos is not easy to make friends with, but once they become fri