英语翻译 英翻中 急

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 09:26:04
Throughout the 1960s,an endruing development that gave America faith in both itself and the future of mankind was the program to successfully conquer space.
It has almost been forgotton that the U.S. space effort was a catch-up operation all the way,ever since the rude shoke of the(former) Soviet's successful launch of Sputnik,the world's first artificial earth satellite, in 1957,well ahead of any comparable U.S.effort.
The Soviets had much more thrust power;they launched the first inhabited capsule with a dog in it,and then in 1961 made Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin the first human to orbit the earth.
Basically,the American people do not want the space program to be either stopped or cut back to a point where it will lose its effectiveness.
But they are not prepared to break the federal budget.to build a shuttle that blows up in space.
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Throughout the 1960s, anenduring development that gave Americafaith in both itself and the future of mankind was the program to successfullyconquer space. (贯穿20世纪60年代,一个持续给了美国对自身和对人类将来的信念的发展,是成功征服太空的计划。)It has almost been forgottenthat the U. S. space effort was a catch-up operation all the way, ever sincethe rude shock of the (former) Soviet’ssuccessful launch of Sputnik, the world’s first artificial earth satellite, in1957, well ahead of any comparable U. S. effort. (自从【前】苏联于1957年成功地发射了世界上第一颗人造地球卫Sputnik带来突然的震动,远非美国的成就可以相比较,美国在太空上的成就一直迎头赶上的观念几乎被淡忘。)The Soviets had much more thrust power;they launched the first inhabited capsule with a dog in it, and then in 1961made Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin the first human to orbit the earth. (苏联人有更为强大的推动力;他们发射了第一颗载着一只狗的载人太空舱,又于1961年使宇航员Yuri Gagarin成为了环绕地球的第一人。)