
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:00:36
While equality of the sexes has been beneficial to women in many ways - particularly in the job market - it has brought some unpleasant results. Apart from the increase in one - parent families (in which the woman is the one who suffers ), it has also led many men to abandon the normally polite treatment of women. At one time, men would give up their seat to a moman on a crowded bus but that politenness has all but disappeared."If women are equal,"a typical male argues,"let them stand like we do."
The concept of genuine equality of sexes is a comparatively new one - and one which has not yet been fully accepted in many parts of the world. In the U.S.A.,UK and several other countries, sexism (or unfair treatment of either sex )is not allowed by law but still occurs in various unnoticed ways. In many large businsses, fewer women are promoted to senior positions. If they are promoted, their aslary may be less than that of a man doing the same job.

性别的平等对女人在许多方面已经是有益的 - 特别地在工作中在市场上销售 -它已经带来一些不愉快的结果。 除了一个父母的家庭 ( 在女人是那一个谁遭受 ) 的增加,之外,它也已经领导许多男人放弃女人的正常有礼貌治疗。 以次,男人会让出他们的位子给在一辆拥挤的公共汽车上的女士,但是礼貌几乎有消失。"如果女人和男人是相等的 ," 一个典型的男性争论," 应让她们像我们一样站起来".
性别的真正平等的观念是一个比较新 - 和一个没有完全在许多世界的部份中被接受。 在美国,英国和一些其他的国家中,男性至上主义 ( 或任一性别的不公平治疗 ) 不是被法律允许的但是仍然以各种不同的不引人注意的方式发生。 在许多大的 商业 中,较少的女人被促进到资深的位置。 如果他们被提拔 , 他们的 aslary 可能是少于做相同的工作男人的。