合作比竞争的相关道理及相关事例.......(能用英语就请用英语回一下. Thanks)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:49:48

Compettition is the human nature.It is inevitable."Natural selectio and surviaval of the fittest."The competition is considered as the public fair compertition regardless of the background of the participants,the most capable one will be able to win.The competition requests us to reach our fullest potential.In the meanwhile,it builds our characteristics and strengthens our self-esteem.Competition is the servival of individuals and companies based in the community.Losting their ability of competition will lag far behind times.
Nation -owned industries are the pets of country.Before 1980s,they monopolized most manufacture fields.Due to the policy of reform and opening up.Competition was brught into the market economy.Because of locking of competitiveness these old factories broke up soon and were replaceed by more vigorous ones. For individuals,none of companies is willing to use the one without ambition and aggression spirit.
