
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 08:49:53
听了奇切斯特的故事后,我禁不住想,这一切怎么可能呢?一个老人怎么可能完成这一切,况且他还患有癌症?他出发前意识到危险吗?他真是单独完成漂越大西洋的航程的吗?...用以下词连接help... accomplish
in spite of aware by himself

Having heard Chichester's story, I can't help wondering that how can such kind of things be possible.How could an old man accomplish all of these in spite of the fact that he was suffering from cancer? Was he aware of the danger before the journey? Did he really sail across the Atlantic Ocean by himself?

After hearing the story, I can't help thinking how can that be for an old man to accomplish all by himself, who was suffering from cancer? Did he start his journey in spite of awareness of the dangerous? Is that true that he finished the whole journey of drift through Atlantic?

At the story of Chichester , I couldn't help thinking that how it could happen . How could an old man accomplish it in spite of cancer? Was he aware of the danger before setting off ? Did he really sail across the Atlantic Ocean by himself ?

After hearing the story of 奇切斯特, i can't help thinking that how could this be true? How could an old man finished the whole thing wh