
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 06:59:42
(1)Eddie goes to his friend\'s house 《every Sunday》(对有《》部分提问)(2)M.r Tang likes the baby monkeys.(改为一般疑问句)(3) Alice goes to the zoo on foot.(保持意思不便)(4)I like 《that blue》T-shirt.(对有《》部分提问)(5)The elephant is big 《big and strong》.(对有《》部分提问)

1.how often does Eddie go to his friend's house?
2.does Mr Tang like the baby monkeys?
3.Alice walks to the zoo.
4.which T-shirt do you like?
5.what do you think of the elephant?

(1)how often does Eddie go to his friend\'s house
(2)Does M.r Tang like the baby monkeys.
(3)Alice walks to the zoo.
(4)which T-shirt do you like?
(5)how is the elephant