
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:02:36
Depending on the season, anything from 20 to 200 grunting NZ fur seals dot rocks at the Tauranga Bay Seal Colony , 16km from Westport. Pups are born from late November to early December. For a month afterwards,land-bound mothers tend the young before swimming out on feeding forays.
land-bound mothers是啥意思?feeding forays又是啥意思?谢谢!

视乎季节 从20到200新元什么毛皮海豹绉斑点石块陶印章湾殖民地 从16公里雨韦斯特波特. 幼犬从出生到11月底12月初. 一个月后,土地必然趋向年轻母亲外出吃饭,然后游泳援用.

