
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 05:11:55

语国家的人有不少‘手语’,其一就是cross one's fingers或keep one's fingers crossed。Cross one's fingers. 即把中指放在食指上,作有点像十字架的交叉状。十字架在西方代表上帝,所以cross one's fingers有‘祝福’、‘祈求好运’的意思,例如:I am crossing my fingers that nothing untoward will happen to him.(我祈求不幸的事不会降临他身上)。Keep your fingers crossed for him. 即‘为他祝福吧’。留意cross your fingers是说的多,确实做这手势的少。

说到手指,不能不谈谈‘伸出中指’这个下流手势,英文叫做give someone the finger,例如:The presidential candidate appeared quite unperturbed when a few in the audience gave him the finger.(听众席上有些人向总统候选人伸出中指,但他若无其事)。要说得幽默一点,把gave him the finger改为gave him one-finger salutes(一只手指的敬礼)也无不可。

此外还有thumbs up(拇指向上)、thumbs down(拇指向下)的手势。古罗马斗士战败,观众做出拇指朝上手势,是说‘可以饶他性命’;做出拇指朝下手势,则是说‘杀却’。今天,thumbs up常用来表示嘉许或接受,thumbs down则表示不满或反对,例如:The authorities have given the thumbs up. / thumbs down on our plan.(当局接受 / 否决了我们的计划)。


