
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:13:38
3。这种新药在老年人身上还没试用过(try out)

1.在工厂劳动期间,他和工人们打成一片(identify) He was identified with the workers during his working in the factory.
2.他们并不都能自由而流畅的用英语与美国学生交流(communicate) Not all of them can communicate with American students in English freely and fluently.
3、这种新药在老年人身上还没试用过(try out) This new medicine hasn't been tried out on the senior citizens.
4、我们应当尽最大努力来保护孩子们不受伤害(protect) We should try our best to protect the children from harm.
5、这计划需要年轻人和老年人的合作(involve) Both the young and the old should get involved with this plan.
6、我们后会有期(meet) Let's meet again some day.

1.Labor a period in the factory, he gets along well and the workers
2.They aren't all the ability freedom but the use of fluency English communicate with American student
3.This kind of new medicine hasn't yet tried out on old people's body
4.We should offer utmost effort to protect children to be free from injury
5.This plan demand young man and the old people's cooperation