what was otherwise 怎么解释??

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 14:08:11
what was otherwise an almost entirely british show.

否则就纯粹是一个英语秀而已了!what was otherwise只是起到加强语气的作用而已了.句子相当于:It was an almost entirely british show.

例句:Wonderful evening, to cap off what was otherwise a bleak and depressing day: a salon of bloggery, hosted by Mr. Armed Liberal, at Ocean Seafood in Chinatown.如果你把what was otherwise去掉,其实也没怎么影响句子表达的意思,只是少了点生气,就少了那个味道.

what was otherwise an almost entirely british show.
