
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 14:11:19

这篇文章叫做, IT's Future is Brighter Than You Think

According to the results of this month's survey on the future of the IT organization, corporate IT departments are going through more change now than ever before. Change is never easy or universally welcome, of course, but in this case, change is good—for the most part. Organizations are growing, morale is improving, and more opportunities are opening up for IT professionals. So put aside those worries that outsourcing means there will be no IT jobs for college graduates. One caveat: Business know-how is now so important that, given a choice, most IT executives will hire and promote a job candidate with a superior grasp of business over someone who's an ace technologist.

IT Myths and Realities

Unfortunately, this positive picture isn't true across the board. Nearly half of IT organizations are still seen as a staff or support function, rather than as a strategic one, and those IT organiza