1. 据说他把手表落在了屋里。2.我不知道怎样除掉这只老鼠(翻译)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:38:36

It is said that he had lost his watch in the house

I don't know how to kill the mouse

It's said that he left his watch in the room.
I don't know how can kill this rat.

He's said to have left his watch in the room.
I don't know how to get rid of/kill this mouse.

1.It is said that he left his watch in the room.
2.I don't know how to get rid of that rat.

1 I lost my watch in the room。
2 I don't konw how to dispose of the mouse.

It is said that he lost his watch in the house.
I don`t know how to kill this mouse.

1. 据说他把手表落在了屋里。2.我不知道怎样除掉这只老鼠(翻译) 门锁了,钥匙落在屋里,该怎么办 有一个人在屋里看书.进来个人把他的灯给关了.可这人还在看书 为什么~? 失而复得,却不珍惜,于是把他落在记忆里~ 出门太忙了就把它落在宿舍里,虽然他说没关系,但是……用韩语怎么说? 有人把户口落在了我们家,现在他要按揭贷款买房,请问户主要承担什么责任 我把钥匙锁屋里了,如何用打开? 初二学生小明,昨天上午你踢足球时把黑色毛衣落在学校操场上.星期五下午你在阅览室学习时拾到一块手表. 你是初二学生小明,昨天上午你踢足球时把黑色毛衣落在学校操场上.星期五下午你在阅览室学习时拾到一块手表. 如何才能把户口落在北京?