
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 14:50:33
文: 我与寂寞同一国度,这或许是宿命。黑暗里我点起一支蜡烛,昏黄的火焰轻轻地跳动着,那是寂静的心跳。蜡烛然尽,黑暗吞噬了我,没有反抗,没有挣扎。我早已习惯了漆黑一片。独自走在深夜无人的街,我的世界仍然只有我自己,寒冷和无奈悄悄地蔓延,我与痛苦为舞

I loneliness and the same country, it is perhaps fate. I played a candle Lane dark spots, pale yellow flame gently described, it is quiet heartbeat. Candles is doing, the darkness swallowed me that there was no resistance, no struggle. I was accustomed to the dark. No one on the street when walking alone at night, I still have only my own world, quietly spreading cold and helpless, I dance with pain

I live in the country of loneliness. Probably it is my fate. I light a candle in darkness.The dusky flame jumps gently. It's my heart beat in quietness. When the candle is exhausted, I melt in darkness without resistance and struggle.I have been accustomed to darkness already. I walk in the empty street at midnight. There is nobody in my world but I.Cold and helpless spread quietly. I live with a lot of pain.

I with lonesome and same country, this is the predestination probably.Dark mile I order since a candle, the dusky flame jumps about