
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 00:38:10


never learn italian
the.present italy is no longer the ancient Rome empire. and italy's international status and economic power is way gone. the only thing they can boast about is just Milan fasion week ( even its prestigious football club and league matches has lagged behind england and spain)
so if you donn't have any knowlogde about the word , please don't mislead others(as zekiwang - 助理 二级)
russian is an useful language who wanna cash in on your language skill. i am totally agree with 难堪往事 - 助理 二级. he seems a man with great insights .
russia is rising after a long economic ressession since the collapse of russia union.
and the friendship between we china and russia have been strenthened and will continue to be strenghened since Mr putin assumed office.
the trade and culture exc