
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 18:15:21
The Wilsons decided to go overseas for a vacation.They had a family meeting to plan the vacation.
"First,"Mr. Wilson said,"We should decide where we want to go"
___{选择,下同}____"I think we should decide when we want to go first.We don't want to go to some countries when they're cold."
Mr. Wilson agreed, so the family's first decision was when to go on vacation. They decide to go in July,when it's warm throughout the northern hemisphere.
"But, dad,"Ben said,"don't you think that where we go depends on how we go? If we plan to fly,we can go a long way.If we plan to drive we can't go as far."
Again Mr. Wilson agreed, and they discussed this. At last they agreed to travel by plane.
"Actually, Dad," Trudy said,"I think we should work out how many days vacation we'll have before we can decide where to g

第二个选项的下文是一个转折but…可见说话者BEN是对前面的Mr wilson观点的反驳,也就是说,Mr wilson前一句话是能完整表达其意见的称述句而不是疑问句.第三个选项也可根据下文回答的提示,用疑问句比称述句更确切.最后一项问他们在会上最后决定的是什么事,Trudy said,"I think we should work out how many days vacation we'll have before we can decide where to go." And so the meeting went on. 可以知道答案.这在文中是随着meeting的进程提出的最后一个问题,因此可视为最后一项.虽然后面Mrs. Wilson 回答his friends的话中提到money,但并没有说这是最后决定的事.所以……