小说《飘》(《Gone with The Wind》)里面几个配角的英文名?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/29 01:58:08
还有他们所在的地方:塔拉 用英文怎么说呢?

Scarlett O'Hara – main protagonist, a willful daughter of the South
Rhett Butler – Scarlett's admirer and third husband, seen as an indecent and somewhat shocking gentleman
Ashley Wilkes – the man Scarlett desires, married to Melanie
Melanie Hamilton Wilkes – Ashley's wife, a gentle woman; Scarlett's sister-in-law and friend/unknowing rival for Ashley's affections
Mammy – Scarlett's nurse, a slave woman who chaperones her
Gerald O'Hara – Scarlett's father, an Irishman; owner of the plantation Tara
Ellen O'Hara – Scarlett's mother
Suellen & Carreen O'Hara – Scarlett's younger sisters
Charles Hamilton – Melanie's brother, Scarlett's first husband, originally the beau, and all-but-betrothed, of Ashley's sister Honey. In the film version, Charles was the beau of Ashley's sister India.
Frank Kennedy – originally the beau of Scarlett's sister Suellen, S