zonealram 防火墙错误信息

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:41:19
安装完后出现"TrueVector security service is shut down",出现system eroor :please reboot
无论重启多少次都无郊.删除系统文件夹下的internet logs下的相关文件
"To repair this problem, please follow these steps. Please note that this will remove your program permission settings (so you may want to make note of them), but re-establishing them is a simple process. If any of the steps below does not apply to you, or you are unable to perform the function listed, please continue to the next step. This MUST be done with an Admin account if your Operating System supports these!

Open the ZoneAlarm program, go to the OVERVIEW -> PREFERENCES tab, and make sure the Load At Startup box is UNchecked. Close the program, then right-click on the ZA icon and select Shutdown.
REBOOT - You should now have no ZoneAlarm processes running on your system. (If you see the ZA icon still, please see NOTES below).
Open the Internet Logs directory (in 9


打开ZoneAlarm--->overvier(视图??)---->Preferences(选项) 确定启动系统是启动ZoneAlarm项目没有被选中。保存关闭,然后在ZA点右键,选关闭,重启电脑。这样ZA就不会在你得系统进程里了。
打开Internet Logs目录(9x/ME 是 “c:\windows\internet logs”, NT/2000 是 “c:\winnt\internet logs”,XP可能是任何一个)备份里面得文件后删除。并且清空回收站。重启启电脑。
