24句,句子翻译 (翻多少是多少,当然最好全翻掉喽)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 21:31:22
1.这部电影值得一看。(be worth doing)
2.我盼望着能在上海再次见到你。(look forward to)
3.请让史密斯先生尽快给我回电话。(all sb. back)
4.在那边和你母亲谈话的女士是我们的英语老师。(over there)
5. Do you still remember the scenic spot where we took this photo?
6. I hate to be laughed at when I speak in the public.
7. The medical workers in this hospital are only too ready to provide their patients wththeir repuirements.
8. What is troubling me is that I don't know what is to be done with these old books.

10.我们对石油的需求与日俱增。(day by day)
11.来自世界各地的参观者对上海的巨大变化感到惊讶。(be amuased at)
12.既然他不在办公室,我可否留个便条?(leave a message)
13. You are so kind as to have shown me around your school.
14. He is stupid enough to have made so many mistakes in the exam.
15. Scarcely had she entered the cinema when the movie started to be shown.
16. The city which we paid a visit to is very beautiful and industrial except that there is a lot of noises in the ruban a

1.这部电影值得一看。(be worth doing)
This film is worth seeing.
2.我盼望着能在上海再次见到你。(look forward to)
I look forward to seeing you again in Shanghai.
3.请让史密斯先生尽快给我回电话。(all sb. back)
Please ask Mr.Smith to call me back as soon as possible.
4.在那边和你母亲谈话的女士是我们的英语老师。(over there)
The lady talking with your mother over there is our English teacher.
5. Do you still remember the scenic spot where we took this photo?
6. I hate to be laughed at when I speak in the public.
7. The medical workers in this hospital are only too ready to provide their patients wththeir repuirements.
8. What is troubling me is that I don't know what is to be done with these old books.
Do you mind showing me around your factory?
10.我们对石油的需求与日俱增。(day by day)
Our requirement for petroleum is increasing day by d