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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 12:39:33
Motorola set out a special training programme for children last week with the aim of developing children's business skills and preparing them for a future as entrepreneurs.
Eighty-seven children aged between 12 and 16 from beijing and tianjin attended the one-week training programme called"Youth Discovery".They were directed by Motorola University's in structors and marketing specialists.The children learned about dealing with apractical problem-marketing and worked out a marketing plan by themselves.Last week 26 children of Motorola employees in Tianjin completed their training in the MU-Tianjin Learing Center.
Through the training programme,children learnt how to get information through different kinds of sources,determine end-user needs, make up messages of value to customers,and communicate using various means and equipment.
Educators acted only as team"directors".Providing children with help to discover their own answers.The

"年轻的发现"活动由摩托罗拉公司的前任总裁 Robert Galvin创始, 由摩托罗拉学院设计并实行 ,旨在在游戏之中培养年轻人才,进而且激励他们发现他们自身潜能,以帮助团队达成预期目标。