
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 02:42:20
1 There is going to {be}a class meeting this afternon.括号里为什么是 "be" ?
2 There{will be}a talk about America country music in our school tonight.为什么括号里是"will be"而不是"is going to have"?
3 There {are a few}sheep in the field.为什么是are a few 而不是"are much ""are a little"?
4 There (will be) an important meeting tomorrow.为什么是“will be”不是"is going to have"?
5 There are (rows of ) white houses by the river.为什么添这个?不是别的?

可能还会有别的问题 拜托各位啦~

1 There is going to be a class meeting this afternon.
因为be going to后面跟动词原形。am is are的原形是be,所以填be。
2 There will be a talk about America country music in our school tonight.
因为表示“客观存在,即有,,,”的时候,我们用句型there be,,,。
3 There are a few sheep in the field.
因为在修饰可数名词复数形式的时候,应该用a few。much和little都是修饰不可数名词的,不可以用。
4 There will be an important meeting tomorrow.
5 There are rows of white houses by the river.
rows of表示几排,,,。

2、应该可以用is going to be
5、rows of white houses 几排白色的房子

1.be going to do (+ Verb原型)



2&4.是there be+句子的结构

1 There is going to {be}a class meeting this afternon.括号里为什么是 "be" ?
答:这是一个there be句型,要注意千万不可将表示将来时的句型当作应有的be;一般情况下to后面加动词原形,而且是一般将来时态be going to(=will)是一定要加动词原形的

2.There{will be}a talk about America country music in o