
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 13:52:04

1997 I Know What You Did Last Summer 我知道去年夏天是谁搞得鬼 (成名作)
1998 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer 我知道去年夏天是谁搞得鬼2
2001 Heartbreakers 偷心两母女
2002 The Tuxedo 燕尾服 (和成龙大哥的合作)
2004 if only 如果再爱一次 (感人至深的爱情片)
Garfield 加菲猫
2006 Garfield:a tale of two cities 加菲猫2 (让她重受关注的系列)
这两年她主演的电视剧Ghost Whisperer(《鬼语者》)也很受欢迎

演员 - 詹妮弗·洛夫·休伊特 Jennifer Love HewittThe Magic 7 (2007) ..... Erica (voice)
Shortcut to Happiness (2007) ..... The Devil
The Devil
The Devil and Daniel Webste

加菲猫2之双猫记 Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006) ..... Liz Wilson, D.V.M.
加菲猫2:两只猫的故事 / 加菲猫2

Garfield 2
Garfield A Tail of Two Kitties

Delgo (2006) ..... Princess Kyla (voice)
Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber (2005) ..... Katya Livingston
鬼语者 "Ghost Whisperer" (2005) ..... Melinda Gordon
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Cheri Oteri (2004) ..... Herself/Various Characters