
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:59:42
For account activation you are requested to PAY a deposit of $500 (Five
Hundred U.S Dollars) into the account and as soon as you pay the account
activation fee the admin and account department will activate this account
within 24Hrs to effect the fund transfer .

Customers living in Ghana are requested to come to our bank office
directlt and pay the account activation fee $500 (Five Hundred U.S
Dollars) while customers operating offshore account and international
account living outside Ghana are requested to send their account
activation fee to our First Atlantic International office located in Lagos

拆拆_ 呀...不用再翻译啦,你肯定是收到诈骗邮件啦,他们让你先汇500美元过去激活那个账户,这样的拙劣伎俩国内也很多见,千万不要相信天上掉肉饼的事啊!