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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:22:18
2.2.1 Smaller viewable image
UML diagrams are useful in technical documentation only if they can be easily understood. If a diagram is too large, it can be rendered unreadable when scaled for inclusion in a PDF document. Similarly, a large diagram is less useful when viewed on screen because the user must scroll to view the entire diagram and cannot see the entire diagram at one time. Well-designed UML diagrams are scalable because their content is focused and manageable.

2.2.2 Clearer concepts
The primary goal of technical documentation is to promote understanding. Diagrams can enhance a reader’s understanding, but only if they are easy for the reader to absorb. Cluttered images make the reader work harder to understand a concept, making it more difficult for the document to achieve its goal. A clean, well-designed UML diagram is simply easier for the user to follow than a disorganized collection of boxes and arrows.
2.2.3 Shorter production schedules

2.2.1较小的UML图可在可视图像技术文件才可以理解的; 如果图太大,可以变得不知所云列入了攀登时以PDF文件. 同样, 大型图少有益,因为当屏幕上观看用户必须看整个图长卷 而看不到整个图一时. 精心设计的UML图是因为它们的内容是集中、伸缩自如了. 2.2.2清晰概念的首要目标是促进了解的技术文件. 图表能加强读者了解,但只要是读者容易吸收. 杂乱形象,让读者了解一个观念,努力工作, 更难的文件达到自己的目的. 清正 精心设计的UML图只是为了方便用户跟踪收集箱,比兵荒马乱箭. 2.2.3缩短生产时间表杂波泉水从混乱. 一片狼籍, 兵荒马乱图不仅可以让使用者难以破译的发展,而且混淆队 审查,可以放慢的制作过程. 图表平均数较明显来回时间与发展之间的作家 作者将宝贵的时间为每期限登场. 2.2.4翻译成本降低许多公司,尤其是跨国组织和公司出售给海外市场 他们出示证件译本. 视乎需要多少语言翻译费用可以弥补相当一部分的整体预算文件. 公司可以通过减少储蓄额大幅承认文本,必须翻译的UML
