
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:53:56
Have you ever heard the old saying,"Never judge a book by its cover."?This is a good rule to follow when trying to judge the intelligence of others.Some people have minds that shine only in certain situations.A young man with an unusual gift in writing may find himself speechless before a pretty girl when he speaks.He may not be able to find the right words.But don't make the mistake of thinking him stupid.With a pen and paper,he can express himself better than anybody else.
Ohter people may fool you into overestimating their intelligence by putting up a good front.A student who listens attentively and takes notes in class is bound to make a favourable impression on his teachers.But when it comes to exams,he may score near the bottom of the class.
In a word,you can't judge someone by appearance.The only way to determine a person's intelligence is to get to know him.Then you can see how he reaces to different situations.The more situations you see,the bet


1.A 文章告诉我们一个好的作家可能不是一个好的演说家
2.B 一个在课堂上聚精会神做笔记的学生可能不是一个聪明的学生
3.D 文章告诉我们判断一个人的才智的依据应该是他在不同情境下的反应
4.D 文章作者告诉我们不能以貌取人

你听过的老话,"千万法官一书的封面" ? 这是一个好的当可依 法官试图others.some人智慧的光芒,心中只有一个年轻人在某些situations.a 不寻常的礼物可能陷于无言书面姑娘面前时,未必能speaks.he 找对words.but不要误以为他stupid.with用笔和纸,就可以尽情地更好 比其他人多. 讨好人可能高估他们的智力变成笨蛋你放了良好front.a学生听、用心 注意到班上势必使他印象良好teachers.but说到考试,他可 得分近底层的阶级. 总之一句话,你不能听的外形唯一确定一个人的智力是结识 你看他如何him.thenreacesTIL300不同情况,你会看到更多、更好你的判断很可能 be.so你time.don'笔法官一书的封面. ①通过建议很好that_____试题未必是一个好的作家好的作家议长郭玲总是好的 议长陈昭安无言威姆文笔很好很好的人总是会觉得自己的作家通过这一无言相近,学生 在认真听取并注意到学生智能class____a.isb.may不聪明的学生成绩更好c.will d.will考试,不是好学生③通过提出要判断一个人的智慧,通过a.his 教师在课堂c.hisb.his事迹外观d.his反应不同情况要通过互联网这个作家 告诉我们不要a.judge一书的封面b.make误以为是一个年轻人愚蠢c.overestimate 学生的智力d.judge一个人的智力的外表
