
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 17:29:21

Johns Wei Ford in 1667 was born to the Irish Dublin, in 1745 died, hismany books all carried on to at that time the political life haveattacked or criticize fiercely, but he are deeply liked the people, heused for 1/3 wealth to help the poor person. "Geleg Buddha Travelnotes" are he most famous work.

John Si Wei Ford in 1667 is been born in Ireland Berlin all, die in 1745, many of his books all carried on a violent attack at that time to the political life, however he was deeply like by people by himself and he used 1/3 money to help poor people.《The space row Fo swims to record 》BE he the most well-known work.

Jonathan Swift was born in Duplin, the capital of Ireland in 1667 and died in 1745. Many of his books critisized the politics at that time strongly, but he himself was loved by people very much and he used one third of his wealth to help the poor. Gulliver's Travels is his best novel.

Only in 1667 John Siwei Ford is born in Ireland