
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:22:41
If a trade-mark is unregistered ,the owner of the trade-mark may only prevent others from using the trade-mark in circumstances, which would cause confusion. In other words, the owner of an unregistered trade-mark who carries on busness in Edmonton would have difficulty in establishing that the use in Toronto of the same trade-mark would cause cdonfusion to his customers.

如果商标是未登记的, 这个商标的所有者也许只防止其他 人使用这个商标在情势, 导致混乱。换句话说, 未登记的贸易的所有者继续在埃德蒙顿的标记有困难在建立用途在同样 商标的多伦多导致c对他的顾客。
