Social Respensibility of Network Media

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 20:05:33
jswxyjyc ~~~亲~首先谢谢你~
~~我之前的话说的还真不清楚~~现在补充下:我需要的是网络媒体发展历史及其现状的英语原文资料,需要20000个字符以上。因为比较急,所在的地方也没有数据库可以用,所以谢谢 能帮助我的亲了~!分数是可以再加的~~~

It is remarkable how many journalists embrace the principles of public journalism but fail to recognize the importance of applying those principles to journalism itself. While the press stands ready to expand the opportunities for public debate by inviting everyone to participate, journalists typically exempt themselves by declining invitations others are expected to accept. I f indeed the press plays a vitally important role in creating and maintaining the conditions for selfgovernance, as journalists claim whenever they raise the banner of public journalism, the press needs to assume responsibility for-and invite commenta y on-the quality of its performance and the integrity of its practices. In short, the press needs to recognize itself as a distinctively public institution bound by the same standards of accountability expected of other public institutions.