重金求翻译 自我介绍(中译英)?积分全用上了:)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:52:55
我叫张三,男,未婚,今年25岁,2004年毕业于A学,机械电子工程学院,机械设计与制造专业,工学学士.毕业后在苏州高新区一家机械制造企业B,工程技术部,从事机械产品研发设计工作,助理工程师. 从业期间工作认真负责,工作和业务上表现突出,勇于创新,曾获得技术进步项目一、二等奖.英语获CET-4证书,曾参与并作为主要成员翻译了数万字的美国技术标准.熟练使用AutoCAD、Pro/E(野火版)以及MS-Office软件.本人忠实守信,工作认真负责,做事细心,重视团队合作,希望可以有机会加入贵公司!

My name is Zhang San, male, unmarried, 25 year old, graduated from A study in 2004, Machinery and Electronic Engineering College mechanical design and manufacturing professionals, work degree. After graduating from a machinery manufacturing enterprises in the Suzhou High-tech Zone B, Technical Services Division, engaged in the design of mechanical product development, assistant engineers. engaging in a serious and responsible work for the period. work and business performance, innovation, technological advancement project has received the first and second prizes. English agreed CET - 4 certificates, participated as a leading member of the tens of thousands of words to translate technical standards in the United States. proficiency in the use of AutoCAD. / (wildfire) and Delphi software. I am loyal and trustworthy, serious and responsible work. doing things carefully, and attention to team, hoping to have the opportunity to join your company!
