
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 18:27:58
Critical parameters of a genetic algorithm are size of the population, mutation rate, number of iterations (i.e. generations), etc. In this study, population size of 50, crossover rate of 1.0, mutation rate of 0.1, bit number for each variable of 16 and number of generations of 2500 are employed. Optimization history with iterations for warpage is shown in Fig. 7. Since GA converges to an optimum after about 250 iterations, optimization history only up to 250 iterations is demonstrated in Fig. 7. Warpage values on reference points for before and afteroptimization arecompared in Table 6. As seen inTable6, warpage values at most of the reference points are reduced significantly although they are slightly increased at some points. When maximum warpage is considered, it is seen that maximum warpage on the lamp base model,which is2.47mm before the optimization, is reduced to 1.32mm by 46.5% after optimization.In Table6,(-)and (no sign, i.e. +) values indicate reduction and increas

再帮你 一次吧!! 都老熟人了

基因算法关键参数包括:众数大小,转化率,反复次数(如代数)等。本文所用众数大小为50, 交叉率为1.0, 转化率为0.1, 变量位数为16,代数为2500. 翘区反复优化记录见图7。 经过250次的反复以后,基因算法得出最优值。只经过250次反复的优化记录见图7。参考点前后翘曲值对比见图标6。如图6所示,多数参考点的翘曲值急剧减小,尽管部分点上有所增加。优化前灯基模型最大翘曲值为2.47mm,优化后减少了46.5%,降低到1.32mm。 图6中的正负数号各自表示在参考点处翘曲的增减值。

关键参数的遗传算法是人口数量,突变率,迭代次数(即世代) 等在这项研究中,现有人口50,交叉率为1.0,变异率0.1, 16比特数变,每一代2500多个就业. 历史与优化迭代翘曲列无花果. 7. 由于遗传收敛于最优迭代后约250, 优化历史证明,只有在多达250迭代无花果. 7. 翘曲值为参考点之前和afteroptimizationH2O2表6. 看intable6, 翘曲在大部分的参考价值大大降低,虽然他们点微升哽咽. 当被视为最高翘曲、 这是看到的最大翘曲灯示范基地,其中前is2.47mm优化 由46.5%降为1.32mmoptimization.intable6后,(-)和(迹象, 即+)表明减少和增加值分别为翘曲参考点.