谁能教教我怎么记英语单词啊 有什么好方法啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 10:34:04
我是一高中一年级的英语科代表啊 记单词是我们的一大问题啊对那没什么好方法 请学的具体了谢谢啊

There is old saying that use it three times and it's yours.
If you want to memorize new words, I suggest that you should use them in the context and review them from time to time. Another way is that you should read more original English books and try to analysis how the others use them.When you encounter some beautiful phrases and write them down in a slip of paper. Day by day you will increase your vocabulary and get interested in learning the new words. To get interested is the best way of learning English.

