
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:42:01
Final project

Extraordinary character

Section 1
Illustration course in CSM foundation haven’t taught me the skill of drawing direct like the coures I attend in China,but what it given me
is the wide space to developed my works,and the opportunities of testing and experiment. In stage 1, I got the chance to study in different area,after that, I realized which subjet I fitting. In stage 2,the project of illustration is really free then I could do what I want . That’s quite helpful for me to exert my imagination.And the most important thing is a lot of knowledge I studied through communicate with the students whose come from other country,this experience is valuable to me.

Section 2
After the study from 3D material practice,Surface design,Moving image and Illustration in stage 1,I found out that I haven’t got enough talent in fashion design,and no fervor in 3D material practice and moving image,

good job on your thesis. i'll just rewrite your sections and you can compare it with your original one. i kept most of your original sentence structures unless they were grammatically wrong.

Section 1
Illustration course in CSM foundation hasn’t taught me the skills to draw directly like the coures I had attended in China,but what it had given me is the wide space to developed my works,and the opportunities of testing and experiment. In stage 1, I got the chance to study in different area,after that, I realized which subject fitted me. In stage 2,the project of illustration is really free so that I could do whatever I wanted. It was quite helpful for me to exert my imagination. And the most important thing is a lot of knowledge I studied through communication with the students who came from other country,this experience is valuable to me.

Section 2
After the study from 3D material practice,Surface design,Moving image and Illustration in stage 1