
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:16:38
In Gargantillo, purchased inputs for rice averaged US$835 per hectare -- a relatively large pre-harvest
investment. Most producers utilized all of their 10 ha. land endowment in production and larger
producers rented in land so that the average land size in rice production in Gargantillo ranged between
13.9 and 18.5 has. (1991 to 1993). Because of the high costs of production, only a small fraction of
producers are able to completely self-finance and consequently most rice producers rely on credit to
fund a portion of their production expenses. Credit is usually obtained from the rural development
bank, Banrural, or an agro-industrial rice processor. Informal credit and commercial bank credit are
rarely used. In the fall-winter season of 1993, there were 40 producers of rice in the ejido. Of these,
25 contracted with the agro-industrial, 10 received credit from Banrural, and the remaining 5 selffinanced.

在gargantillo、购置投入水稻平均每公顷835美元--较大收获前投资52. 大多数生产者都利用其10公顷. 在生产规模和土地养老生产者租用土地,使土地平均面积水稻生产 gargantillo介乎13.9和18.5有. (1991年至1993年). 由于生产成本昂贵, 只是一个很小的生产者能够完全自行融资,因此大部分水稻生产靠贷款 基金部分生产费用. 信用通常是来自农村发展银行、股份公司、或一个工农业大米处理器. 非正式信贷和商业银行信贷都很少使用. 在秋天-冬令1993年共有40个水稻生产在村社. 其中,承包了25个农工,10月股份公司收到的信用,其余5selffinanced.

因为饭平均了每公顷美金$835 ,在 Gargantillo ,购买了输入 -- 一相对地大的前收获
投资。 大多数的生产者利用所有他们的 10 嘿。 在生产中的土地基本财产和比较大的
生产者在土地中租用了,以便在 Gargantillo 的饭生产的平均的土地大小排列在
13.9 和 18.5 有。 (1991-1993). 因为高度生产花费, 只有小分数
生产者能够到完全自己的-财务和结果大多数的饭生产者 ``````