
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:07:25
4.我则倾向于第一种看法.到底哪种看法比较贴切,正所谓:仁者见仁,智者 见智.

1.There are a lot of pressures in life, the views on the pressure of people have nothing in common with each other.
2.Some people think the existence of the pressure is very necessary. Such as :
3.Other people hold different views on the existence of the pressure. For example:
4.I am inclined to the first kind of view. Finally every kind of view is more proper , so-called : Different people have different views.

1 there are various kinds of presure in our lives, different people look at them in different lights.
2 Some consider the existance of presure is a must, for instance:
3 while others hold different opinion about presure, for example:
4 I am inclined to the first opinion, but in terms of which one is more proper, as a sayign goes, the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom -- different people have different views.

1 There are many pressures existing in life, on which people have different opinions.
2 Some think that