
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:50:49
Energy can be expressed in many ways, but defining the energy of an explosive in Kilojoules per cm3 is an especially useful method in engineering explosives. Energy, expressed as E, can also be expressed as heat of combustion, heat of explosion, and heat of detonation. Each of these terms is used in different circumstances. For instance, heat of explosion is usually used for propellants, and heat of detonation is usually the term for explosives. The most common method for finding the heat of detonation is as follows:
∆H(detonation) = ∑∆Hf(products) - ∑∆Hf(explosive)
Where ∆Hf is the heat of formation of the compound(s). This calculation is often off in real life situations due to side reactions that occur in air. The real heat of detonation can also be affected by packing density, particle size, and the temperature of a reaction behind the detonation front. When experimental data is not available for heats of detonation the above reaction

∆H(detonation) = ∑∆Hf(products) - ∑∆Hf(explosive)
第1步:N => N2
第2步: O + H => H2O
第3步: O + C => CO
第4步: O + CO => CO2
第5步: O => O2
爆炸速率是指反应通过混合物的快慢。就象前面提到的:它受到混合物线性的密度的影响。图1展示了密度和VOD在共同爆炸物质中的关系,PETN and TNT的关系可以从公式D’ = a + bρ得出。
a,b是混合物的常量,D是TMD的爆炸速率。这个线性方程只适用于85 g/cm3以下的场合。混合物的不爆炸速率可通过一个求和公式得出:D(mix) = ∑DiVi