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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 22:29:04
Normally the systems analysis process will identify several alternative solutions that can be pursued by the organization. The process then will assess the feasibility of each of them. A written systems proposal report will describe the costs and benefits, advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. It is up to management to determine which mix of costs, benefits, technical features, and organizational impacts represents the most desirable alternative.
Establishiug information systean requirements
Perhaps the most difficult task of the system analysis is to define the specific information requirements that must be met by the selected system solution. At the most basis level, the information requirements of a new system involve identifying who needs what information, where, when, and how. Requirements analysis carefully defines the objectives of the new or modified system and develops a detailed description of the functions that the new system must perform. Requirement

既不拆开也没有高悬赏 如果有人能帮你翻译我把我的号给你

系统分析过程通常会找出一些解决办法,可以由组织追求. 过程的可行性进行评估,然后将他们两人. 书面报告将说明建议系统的成本和效益,利弊各替代. 它是由哪一组合管理费用,效益,技术特点, 和组织的影响,是最恰当的办法. establishiug所需资料systean可能是最辛苦的系统分析是确定具体信息需求 这必须由制度选解. 在最基础层面,需要新的信息系统,包括查明谁需要什么资料,凡 何时、如何. 仔细分析确定的目标要求的新体制和发展或改造详细说明功能 该系统必须履行. 规定必须考虑经济、技术、时间限制,以及目标、程序和决策过程的组织. 需求分析是一个失误导致系统故障及系统开发成本高. 围绕制度设计错误的规定要么被丢弃或因业绩不佳 将需要大量修改. 因此,需求分析的重要性不容小觑. 发展中国家要求的规格可能涉及相当研究和修改. 获得所需的资讯系统,分析家们工作报表与用户要求返工. 还有办法刺探要求帮助减少这些问题.