
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:08:15


My Review on the Water-Diamond Paradox

The water-diamond paradox, which was set forth by John Law(1704), and made famous by Adam Smith(1776), indicates that, water is useful to humans,''t b diamonds are useless to humans, thus water should have a higher "use value" or "utility" than diamonds do.To solve the paradox, in my opinion, we can resort to either classical theories or neo-classical ones. From the classical economists'' perspective, Utility can also be related to desire rather than usefulness, thus diamonds still thve utility since they are desired, and in the short run, scarcity may play an important role in the determination of price, therefore , it won''t be to difficult to imagine the higher price of diamonds since they are so rare.On the other hand, in the long run, neither utility nor rarity have a role in the determination of n