
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 10:44:32

if she didn't came to station to pick you up ,what will you do?

What will you do if she doesn't come to the station to pick you up?

What would you do if she failed to pick you up from the station?

What are you going to do if she doesn't come to pick you up at the station?

How can you do in case she failed to pick you up from the station.

What will you do if she doesn't come to the station to pick you up?

If she didn't came to station to pick you up ,what will you do?

What would you do if she failed to pick you up to the station?

“万一她不来车站接你,那你怎么办阿”求助这句话的英文翻译 爱我所爱 你喜欢对方的什么 万一那一点她(他)变了 你还会爱她(他)吗? 情人节那天给自己心爱的人打电话,可是她就是不接,你会怎么办?你会怎么想?你心里啥滋味? 如果你牵了她的手她不逃避,那她对你有爱么? 如果有人不记的你?那你怎么做? 如果你喜欢她,她还不喜欢你,而且拒绝你了,但是不讨厌你,你很优秀很帅,那你打算怎么办呢? 如果你很喜欢一个女孩子,而你知道她并不喜欢你,只当你是好朋友。那你怎么做? 当你生日那天,男朋友居然不记得你的生日.而且在两天前你还提醒过她,你们会怎么想?(女生答) 如果一个女的之前不属于你,后来追到你,但是他的男的又来找她,你会怎么做 你不知道她接不接受 你该咋办