
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:29:52
A brief history of time: the Toyota Production System

The evolution of production systems in the motor industry has been comprehensively covered (Hounshell, 1984 and Boyer et al., 1998), as has the story of the Toyota Production System, which fuelled one of the greatest corporate success stories (Cusumano, 1985, Ohno, 1988 and Fujimoto, 1999). Of interest for this study is determined at which point the production system was formally documented in the public domain, or in other words, at what point could the outside world have taken notice of the developments at Toyota.

The foundation of the Toyota Motor Company dates back to 1918, when the entrepreneur Sakichi Toyoda established his spinning and weaving business based on his advanced automatic loom. He sold the patents to the Platts Brothers in 1929 for £100,000, and it is said that these funds provided the foundation for his son, Kiichiro, to realize his vision of manufacturing automobiles. While Wada's

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