We haven't enough money,that's our trouble跟We haven't got enough money,that's our trouble有分别吗

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 15:22:55

意思基本没有区别。在英语口语中,常用have got 代替have. 但在下列六种情况下,只能用have,不能用have got:

1. 在助动词、情态动词之后。

He may have got a new story-book. (×)

He may have a new story-book. (√)

2. 在动词不定式之后。

如:We would like to have got a dog. (×)

We would like to have a dog. (√)

3. 在过去时或完成时中。

如:Lucy had got a new dress yesterday. (×)

Lucy had a new dress yesterday. (√)

4. 用作使役动词,作“使、让”讲时。

如:We have got her wait there by herself. (×)

We have her wait there by herself. (√)

5. 当have与动词转化来的名词构成短语时。

如:have a look;have a rest;have a drink;have a walk等。

6. 在一些固定习语中。

如:have a good time; have break fast; have lessons; have sports等。

单看字面没什么区别,具体要看语境了... ....
